Friday, February 23, 2007
what to write for my last post in Singapore before i leave to resume my studies in Adelaide?
honestly i do not know how to express what i feel about the last 3 months back in Singapore... perhaps doing so in Mandarin might help
伤心? 的确有些不开心的事,生活本来就是起起伏伏。
闷?废话!这次回来朋友不是在上学就是做工。好多时候想出去走走, 可是又找不到人陪, 只好一个人逛街或留在家里用电脑。我想在新加坡待的这三个月,我用网际网络的次数多过我在澳洲还要多。
“人因为空虚才吸毒。” 其实我们都有一个无法填满的空虚,就算吸毒,也无法把这个空虚给填满。唯一能够填满这个空虚就是主耶稣,因为我们是为他而造的。没有了他, 生命永远找不到意义。
今天晚上我就要搭飞机回去读书。心里有点依依不舍但带点对未来感到兴奋。 我昨晚还做了有关考试的梦!天啊!哪有人还没开学,就有这种梦呢?
亲爱的朋友,请不要为我的离去而掉泪。天下无不散之筵席, 跟何况我会回来的!保重!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
unfairness is when you are a girl and...
...your brothers have longer, fuller lashes than you do
... your brothers have better complexions than you
... your brothers stay so slender regardless of what they eat, and even seem to be losing weight while you have sleepless nights because everyone commented on how you have become 'fleshier'
and i thought God is fair?
Friday, February 16, 2007
I was looking through andy's europe trip photos and almost forgot what I wanted to blog about. Europe is still as gorgeous as ever. Although it doesn't seem like he went to any of the places I did 5 years ago (so long!), memories of my own trip to Europe still flooded my mind and the urge to go back has never been stronger. Anyone who is planning a trip there, please bring me along!
anyway, yesterday was a bad day for me. not because it was Valentine's and I was without a date, but because nothing seemed to go right.
i've been buying things online and haven't had any problems but I have been waiting for my printer ink cartridges since monday. the seller is uncontactable and i trust the integrity of singapore's postal system. when will my package arrive?
trying to sell off my nokia 6280 (im not that techy, no need for a 3G phone...yet). if only i closed the deal earlier i could have sold it for $300 and not get cheated by some idiot who did not understand what bidding online was about.
the weather has been sweltering and my brother n father really know how to heat things up. the 2 of them kept pestering me about when the fishes were coming (i ordered from val).
my blood pressure was probably sky high yesterday and to prevent myself from simply losing it, i committed to heart Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Thankfully 2 of those 3 things have been settled. Just have to pray hard that my ink cartridges eventually find their way into my post box...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
i know of some who do not listen to the radio lest they be influenced, as some has said, the music we listen to and the tv we watch mould our thinking. and of course not everything the media has to offer is wholesome or helpful. This song is from the soundtrack of 花样少年少女 aka Hanakimi. I don't know why, but as I was writing the post forsaken, this song kept playing in my head.
however, recently a few songs although from secular origin, led me to think about my spiritual walk. who says God can't work through non-Christian sources?
Amazing grace by Joey Yung (this is the Cantonese version but I believe some of us have heard the Mandarin one on radio)
This song is pretty commercialised I must say, I think a couple of non-Christian singers have sang this song. Nevertheless, the lyrics of the original song encapsulates God's saving grace for us, for we truly are all wretched sinners. If people are drawn to this song, then I guess they must be seeking God, whether or not they know it.
I am who I am by Guang Liang
Exodus 3:14 (NIV) - God said to Moses, "I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I am has sent me to you.'"
The name "I am" expresses God's character as the dependable and faithful God who desires the full trust of His people. It implies that God is complete and He is all we need. In John 8:58, Jesus uses the same name for Himself, declaring that He and God are one.
I wonder why Guang Liang used this as the name of the song...
我一直都在 by 林稷安&程于伦( I don't think that there is an mv for this song, but someone made this using clips from My Girl)
You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.
You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
i admit, i am an AUNTIE! not as though my classmates haven't been calling me one for the past five years, but my recent purchase leaves me no choice to accept that i am a true blue auntie.
TAH DAH! a 7pc pots and pans set.
bought from carrefour no less. it was on offer, plus its light (3kg!), so i thought it would be a good idea to bring it over with me since i'll be moving to a new place. was contemplating between this an a non-stick wok, but was told that non-stick cookery don't last because once you scratch the surface, you can't use it anymore as its poisonous. however, this would mean i'll need to use more oil for cooking. gosh, you either die from coronary heart disease or poisoning.
now that i look at my nails again, it really looks quite auntie~sigh...
and the auntie in me, delights in the fact that she went kbox yesterday for the lunch time and ended up singing till 315pm (it ends at 2pm actually) =P
honestly, kbox is something in which the people you go with is very important. it makes a whole lot of difference between having a good or bad time.
anyway, last fri night was really an eye opener. firstly, singaporeans really sleep late and many enjoy k-ing. we went to cuppage road partyworld, and although it was pretty ulu, we were chased out promptly at 11pm as there were people who wanted to use the room. even as we left, we saw quite a number walking in to sing. went for prata supper after that, and missed the last train!
thank God, after a panic attack and a long bus ride, i finally made my way home safely. well... i've never been out so late, and I can just imagine how much a taxi ride would have cost, so obviously i was a little worried about finding my way home. but praise God for buses like the night rider, which brought me home from Orchard all the way to Simei, passing by bugis, geylang, eunos... its a real gem. the following morning i told my parents about my bus ride, and while i was prepared to receive chastisement for reaching home so late, my dad surprised me by saying that one day he wants to take the night rider too! lol. i guess my parents realized that im soon officially becoming an adult and now that I am back, they can't expect me to never come home later than 11pm. of course, it is also unbecoming if i were to stay out late every night. but once in a while, is not too much to ask right?
Monday, February 05, 2007
A BIG THANK YOU to Val for treating me to a pedicure! I now have pretty toenails hee. Had a great time chilling out at cafe del mar on siloso beach, just the 2 of us. We must have more of such girl outings whenever I come back k? Sigh, its gonna be 10 more months... but I'm sure time will fly by, and before we know it, Im back again! And therez always MSN to keep in touch.
Since I have nothing much to do when I came back, I embarked on the mission to finish reading all 7 books of Chronicles of Narnia. As they were written for children, they were a much easier read than J.R.R. Tolkien's LOTR which was so cryptic, I managed to read a book a day.
I absolutely adore the parallel world/ different dimensions storyline. How hundreds of years can pass by in one world when its only a few months over in another. Gets a little confusing as the story jumps from one time zone to another, but therein lies its appeal.
I know many have mentioned how Chronicles of Narnia mirrors Christian beliefs and Aslan, a representation of God. Nothing beats reading the books and finding out for yourself.
Aslan is a lion, who is said to be untamed. He is not safe, but he is good. We all like to think of God who is safe, someone who is love can't be dangerous at the same right? Unfortunately for us who like to focus on the notion 'God is love', we fail to see something that is just as important. God is not only love, but also holy and just. And it is because of the judgement that we will all face one day, that makes His grace all the more precious. God is love, but He is still the Almighty Creator of the heavens and earth, who deserves reverence. Last but not least, human nature causes us to sway towards a god that does our bidding. God cannot be tamed and it is us who is to do His will, not the other way round. Honestly, I wouldn't want to worship someone who does my bidding because that would mean I am more powerful than that person right?
Throughout the books, you cannot miss the running theme of those who used to be bad being turned around and given a second chance to do good. Our God is a God of second chances and no matter how terrible a person is, we have no right to deprive them of a chance to turn over a new leaf. Its easy to reach out to nice people, because they deserve a spot in heaven way more than those hypocrites and traitors. However regardless of what one might have done, we are all God's children, created in His image.
Like many Jap anime, the main characters of the stories are children. Perhaps its because the books were meant for children or maybe C.S. Lewis wanted to drive home another point. In the stories, the children were prevented from re-entering Narnia after a certain age. It seems like Aslan was an age-ist (discrimination against the old, or rather not so young).
And he (Jesus) said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven - Matthew 18:3.
As we grow older, we lose our childlike innocence, our ability to have faith in an all-knowing God. We get bogged down by worries, limited by our own capabilities and desire to rely on ourselves. So unless we learn to simply trust Him, we are not ready for paradise.
And what is paradise like? Well as the book and the Bible says, when we are there, it would be as though whatever is on earth, is like a shadow of it. Even the most beautiful scenery on earth offers only a poor reflection of the real thing waiting for us. Are you yearning for paradise or are you unable to let go of the things here?
Friday, February 02, 2007
i must get down to blogging what i've wanted to blog for ages but that will have to wait.
im krazy i tell u. karaoke twice in less than a week. been planning to go with Philana ever since we realized we both love it in Adelaide. going with her and Qin next tues.
just chatted with my choir pal, and it so happens that he is meeting up some of the other choir ppl tonight for karaoke. realized i've never been to karaoke with my choir frenz. how can? and ive been wanting to meet up with them for so long. of cuz i'll go! although its gonna burn a hole in my already very holey pocket and im not exactly in the best condition to sing...
i guess its just a small price to pay to make up for my addiction to singing which i fed by singing for 10hrs a week last time =P
ooh... and thank you everybody for your compliments! i guess this new blogskin is here to stay =D
Thursday, February 01, 2007
before I start grousing, let me announce a good news: I've found a place! Thank God for Danielle who took the trouble to look at places for me and called around. Thanks to all my friends who prayed and worried for me. Your concern is well appreciated =) - Im gonna be staying in the Bellevue House rm 7. Basically I will be sharing the place with another Aussie girl, in this wing of the house which has 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and a kitchen. Can't wait to go back and move in. Im going back just 2 days before school starts, and I'll have to move all my stuff there and set up my place and not forgetting - buy groceries! no time....
i think i've been sleeping way too much here... slacking is officially bad for health. not only do you put on weight, you stay lethargic the whole day, as though you did not rest at all. and the worst thing about it is that you start to 胡思乱想 (let your thoughts run wild). Being pessimistic by nature, my thoughts tend to be... well... pessimistic! The only optimistic ones are probably my daydreams of becoming a superstar and that all the guys whom I fancy having a crush on me. Ok, that's more like a delusion than anything.
Perhaps I was just pms-ing or maybe I was really thinking too much. However, because of my past, I couldn't shake off the feeling that my nightmare is happening all over again. Just when I thought I could say goodbye to it forever. I shan't bore everyone with the details, but my dear friends I am sure your know what I am talking about.
As I was wallowing in self pity, I did my quiet time (it was like 11pm when I ought to have done it first thing in the morning and not just b4 going to bed). and it dawned upon me, (not for the first time, mind you, but we all need reminders) that the treatment I was perceiving from some people was exactly how I was treating God! The same God whom I pledged less than a year ago not to break His heart again. The same God who despite the countless times I have let down, did not fail to be there for me whenever I needed Him.
"He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. " Isaiah 53: 3-4
By going about my life, without a care of Him, even indulging in activities that does not honour Him nor edify myself, I totally disregarded His presence in my life. God is omnipresent and this means He is always there even if you do not think of Him or even disbelieve in Him. By my own human effort it would be impossible to think of Him every waking minute, to love Him with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength. But all things will be made possible through Christ.
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
Still, Im very disappointed in myself. God, please forgive me, for hurting you after all that you've done for me...
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities